Inštitut za romologijo, etnične študije in migracije

RIC Anglunipe sodeluje in je povezan z Mednarodno zvezo/European Academic Network na znanstveno-raziskovalnih področjih romologije, etničnih in migracijskih študijev. Na spodnji povezavi je dokument (Agreement) o znanstvenem sodelovanju in izmenjavi znanstvenikov med Inštitutom Studii Romani Univerze v Sofiji (Bolgaria) ter IREM - Agreement of cooperation between Studii Romani and RIC. (povezava)

Pod okriljem RIC Anglunipe deluje kot organizacijska enota, Inštitut za romologijo, etnične študije in migracije, ki je kot prvi tak znanstveni Inštitut v Sloveniji. Inštitut ima lastno znanstveno-raziskovalno bazo, ki jo sestavljajo romski znanstveniki-raziskovalci doma in na tujem. V kratkem času je Inštitut postal član svetovno priznanih znanstvenih ustanov kot so: Gypsy Lore Society, BISA (British International Scientist Association), American Science, American Anthropologists, BISA, član baze romskih znanstvenikov-raziskovalcev pri Council of Europe ter član baze romskih znanstvenikov pri Evropski Komisiji; Inštitut je tudi član Društva slovenskih antropologov, slovenskih etnologov ter dopisni član podobnih inštitutov v JV Evropi - v Makedoniji, Bolgariji, Srbiji, povezujemo pa se tudi z nemškimi, avstrijskimi ter hrvaškimi inštituti. V letu 2011 smo bili sprejeti med znanstvene sodelavce na indijski Univerzi v Wardhi in indijskem inštitutu za hindujsko kulturologijo v Chandigarju.
Naše področje znanstveno-raziskovalnega dela je interdisciplinarno - humanistika in družboslovje, predvsem pa naslednje discipline: antropologija in kulturna antropologija, etnologija, sociologija in sociologija kulture, etnični študiji in migracije, teologija, komparativna religiologija in sociologija religije.
 Raziskovalci na Inštitutu plodno sodelujejo tudi na mednarodnih konferencah, se udeležujejo znanstvenih simpozijev, kjer aktivno sodelujejo z lastnimi prispevki, ki so objavljeni v svetovnih znanstvenih publikacijah. Cilj Inštituta za romologijo, etnične študije in migracije RIC - Anglunipe v Ljubljani je postati gonilna znanstveno-raziskovalna institucija v Sloveniji s področja interdisciplinarnih in romoloških študijev, saj vključuje visok delež romskih znanstvenikov, katerih znanstvena dela so v svetovnem merilu izredno odmevna in citirana. RIC Anglunipe je v sodelovanju z mednarodno zvezo European Academic Network na znanstveno-raziskovalnih področjih romologije, etničnih in migracijskih študijev.

[ANG]Romani Information with scientific-research Center of - Anglunipe, cooperate with the International Federation of the European Academic Network on scientific and research fields on Romani studies, Ethnicity and Migration studies (also participate with scientific works as well). On the links below you can see the document (Agreement) on scientific cooperation and scientific exchange of Romani and others scientists with the Institute of Romani Studii on Sofia University (Bulgaria) and IREM - Agreement of Cooperation Between Studii Romani and RIC.
Under the auspices of the RIC Anglunipe as an organizational unit,operate Institute on Romani Studii, Ethnic and Migration studies, which was the first such scientific institutes in Slovenia. The Institute has its own scientific and research base, which consists of scientists, Romani and Sinti researchers at home and abroad. In a short time, the Institute became a member of world-renowned scientific institutions such as: Gypsy Lore Society, BISA (British International Scientist Association), American Science, American Anthropologists,a member of database of Romani and Sinti scientists and researchers in the Council of Europe and a member of database of Romani and Sinti scientists in The European Commission. The Institute is also a member of the Slovenian Society of anthropologists, ethnologists and Slovenian correspondent member of similar institutes in South Eastern Europe - in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia; Institute is also associated with the German, Austrian and Croatian Institutes. In 2011 we were taken associates at the University of Wardha in India and Indian-Hindu Cultural Institute in Chandigarh.
Our field of scientific research is interdisciplinary - Humanities and Social sciences, in particular, the following disciplines: Anthropology and Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology, Sociology and the Sociology of culture, Migration and Ethnic studies, Theology, Comparative religious studies and Sociology of religion.
Researchers at the Institute fruitful participation in international conferences, attending scientific meetings, which are actively involved with their own contributions, which are published in the world's scientific publications. The Institute on Romani Studii, Ethnicity and Migration studies RIC - Anglunipe in Ljubljana is to become the leading scientific - research institution in Slovenia in the field of Interdisciplinary and Romani studies, which includes a high proportion of Romani and Sinti scientists whose scientific work is the world's highly acclaimed and cited.


Scientific Members of our Institute:/Znanstveni sodelavci inštituta za Romologijo so:
- prof.dr.Gheorghe Sarau 
- mag. sci. Orhan Galjuš 
- prof. dr. Marcele Courthaide 
- prof. dr. Demir Ljatif 
- prof. dr.Veselin Popov 
- prof. dr. Elena Marushiakova 

Uradne dokumente v povezavi z Inštitutom za romologijo, etnične študije in migracije si lahko ogledate tukaj. /See the Docs/

The Strasbourg Declaration on Roma:

ERTF Charter On the Rights of the Roma:


The Council of Europe-protecting the rights of Romani


European Academic Network on Romani Studies

Tukaj je povezava do Romske založbe. /Romani Publishing Society/