Von pharaven khera, chuden amen e dizendar, sar ki Italia, sar amende da ki Anglia. Tumen e Francijatar, e Garmenijatar palden, palpale ki Romania, vi ko Kosovo.
Akate ano Dale Farm pinda kherora hasarde. Chingar kerdas olensa.
Seranda dzene astardile sine. Nekobor ka dzan ko phandipe. Akana e daja, pe chavorensa, achen avri beshindor ko shudro drom e vurdonensa.
Dzanas kaj bute themende agjahar e neve-fashistora maren e Romen, e Pirutnen. Sakote o rasizmo bajrola.
Kote te dzas amen? Pale te nashas akale bi-ileskere gadzendar?
Ma! Amen sam manusha, but manusha; ki sasti Evropa desh-u-dui miliona.
A sar te sikhas olen amaro jekhipe, hem taro jekhipe t’ovel nevo zuralipe?
I Romani himna
 Dzelem Dzelem vakjerel amen so te keras. Ki gili savi o Zarko Jovanovic Jagdino hramosardas ko Angluno Romano Kongreso ano London 1971 bersh ov phenel Ushten Romalen!
Kana? Akana ko 
Romano Themutno Dives.
Bijando taro Angluno Kongreso, o seranda-jekhtato
 Romano Themutno Dives ikarel pes ko Purano Kurko 8 aprili.
O baro dives kerena shov-var-deshe themende, sakote maladjovas e Romensa, na salde ani Evropa, a tari  Argentina dziki Australia.
Baktales, isi amen but shel kedipa, Romane organizacia sake dizate, masharthemengo komiteto ane Strasburgo hem Brussels. Ko
 internetodosta websitora isi save barbari sar virtualno Romanestan ulo.
Phralalen, shaj san dzeno ERTFesko, e IRUesko, vi aktivisti e neve ERUeskero, e SOResko; shaj san dzeno nesavo dizutno kedibasko.
Shaj ashunen e ERIOestar. Sar jekh! Kedin jekhethanes.
Sar e manusha ano Egipat akana ushtile, sar amen da ka ushtas.
Varesavo tumaro beshibasko than, ikljoven e mahalatar, e
 kampingestar, e gavestar. Ikljoven! Keden avri ko drom. Roden tumare hakija! Palden e neve-fashistoren. Keren ko 8 aprili baro strajk!

They destroy homes and drive us out of the towns, in Italy just as here in England.
You from France and Germany, back to Romania and even Kosovo.
Here in Dale Farm fifty homes were ruined. We made a fight of it. Forty people have been arrested. Some may go to prison. Now mothers and children are living outside on the cold road in caravans.
We are aware that in a number of countries neo-fascists are killing Roma and Travellers. Everywhere racism is becoming more widespread.
Where can we go? Are we to run away again from these heartless people?
No! We are human beings and there are many of us, twelve million across Europe.
Then how to demonstrate to them that we are united? And from that unity to show new strength?
The Romani hymn
 Dzelem Dzelem tells us what to do. In the song Zarko Jovanovic Jagdino composed at the First World Romani Congress he says
Rise Up Roma!
Born out of the First Congress in London in l971, the forty-first Romani Nation Day is due to be held on the 8 April.
The great day is celebrated in sixty countries, wherever Roma are found, not only in Europe but from Argentina to Australia.
Fortunately today, we have hundreds of organizations, Romani NGOs in every city, international committees active in Strasbourg and Brussels, and a lot of websites on the internet which together are like a virtual
Brothers, maybe you are a member ERTF, of the IRU, or an activist in the new ERU, or the SOR. Well, it's all the same! Come together.
Just as the people of Egypt have risen up, so we too shall rise!
Wherever you happen to live, come out the
 mahala, from your camping place, from the village. Come out on the street. Demand your rights! Drive off the neo-fascists.Strike on the 8 April!